Reflections on Matthew 2:19

After Herod died, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt

Joseph had a total of 4 dreams from the angel of the Lord, the first was to accept Mary as his wife, because she was pregnant with the son of God (Matthew 1:20-21), 2 were warnings (Matthew 2:13, 22) & 1 was to let him know it was safe to return to Israel (Matthew 2:19-20).

My own dreams come to mind

These verses bring to mind all the times I’ve prayed to God asking for advice about something troubling me, and he would answer me in dreams or he would send his angels to be with me in my dreams.  The latter happened more often when I was in my youth and frequently contemplating suicide, occasionally even attempting it.  During those times, the angels would appear in my dreams, talking me through my thoughts, helping me process everything.  My teens to late twenties were a massive struggle for me, fighting depression, anger, health and society issues so those dreams were a great help.

Do you seek out God in your dreams?

I wonder how often others pray to God for advice when life throws them curveballs, and if God replies to them in their dreams as he does with me, on waking, do they try to remember those dreams and try to pray for guidance as to how to interpret them?

Everyone dreams.  It’s a part of REM sleep.  There are those dreams of silly things when the brain just does a memory dump of trivial matters.  There are those muscle memory type dreams, you work long hours doing some menial task, go home, go to sleep, and in your dream, you’re back at work doing that same menial task, so that when you wake up, you wonder if you got ANY sleep.

And then there are those dreams that are the answers to my prayers.  I don’t know if this is self taught or if God makes it happen, but those are the dreams I remember vividly, as if I’ve been awake the whole time.  These dreams involve all the senses, colour, sight, sound, smell, touch.

God cares

Every time God answers me in a dream, I feel blessed.  Not only because I have an answer, but because God loves me enough to reply regarding my concerns.

It’s never too late

How close is your connection with God?  Do you pray to Him every night before going to sleep about the things you’re grateful for and the things that concern you?  Do you go to sleep in the hope and surety that God will give you the answers you need?  It’s never too late to start forming a relationship with God.

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